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How is my BID levy calculated?


The levy is set at 1.7% of the premise’s rateable value.  The levy will be re-evaluated for annually, and re-examined should there be a re-evaluation of the rating list.   


All businesses with premises having a rateable value of £3,500 or more are liable to pay the BID levy and are invoiced annually, on a separate bill to that of their Business Rates.


However minimum and maximum levy payments of approximately £200 minimum, to the maximum £10,000 per hereditament respectively. Registered charities will pay no more than an approximate annual levy of £200.


The levy is collected free-of-charge by Birmingham City Council and passed to Northfield BID under favourable cash flow terms.


How long will the BID operate for?


The BID’s term was renewed in November 2021, following a postal ballot. The new BID term started on 1st January 2022 and will end on 31st December 2026.


Before this end date, Northfield BID may choose to seek to renew the BID for a further five years subject to consultation with businesses and a successful renewal ballot.


What area does the BID cover? The map shows the streets covered by Northfield BID.



















BID3 Map.png

Can the BID arrangements be altered?


The BID area and BID levy (other than inflationary increases) can only be altered via an Alteration or Renewal ballot.


BID projects, costs and timescales can be altered subject to approval by Northfield BID Board providing they fall within the resources available to the BID.


How is the BID organised and managed?


Northfield BID is operated by an independent and private sector led not-for-profit company, led by a board of directors accountable to levy payers.


The board is led by a private sector chairperson and comprises representatives of Northfield’s business community and key stakeholders:


Business directors


  • Retail (multiples and independents)

  • Food, leisure and hospitality

  • Other services (business and community)

  • Property owners


Stakeholder directors


  • Birmingham City Council (Northfield and Allens Cross Wards)

  • West Midlands Police


To assist and support the BID Board in delivering the BID's priorities, the directors may co-opt additional members onto the BID Board.  However, the co-opted members will not have voting rights.

The board appointed a BID Officers to implement BID projects. 

How was the BID levy spent last year?


The BID's Annual Accounts is produced by Wilkes Associates.  The income and expenditure for the last financial year can be found here.

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