British BIDs Accreditation
Our performance during the life of the BID is of paramount importance not only for the BID Board of Directors levy payers the BID serves, but also to provide confidence and reassurance for the BID levy payers of whom the BID officers provide BID services for.
During BID2, Northfield BID said that the BID Company would seek accreditation with British BIDs, industry leading body for UK Business Imporovement Districts. To achieve "accreditation status", Northfield BID would have to provide "evidence" to the Bb Advisory Board, who would then check that the BID's quality assurance systems were "robust, was well-managed with strong governance in place" - in line with the BIDs regulations.
Northfield Town Centre BID has now been accredited. The BID provided evidence to British BIDs on its: -
Governance Arrangements
Management & Operations
Performance Management
Communication & Reporting
Financial Management
The evidence is thorough, and it is an organised submission, that has been a joy to assess. It has been methodical, narrative with strong evidence. A full appraisal has been undertaken with Bb Advisory Board, and the results so far show that Northfield BID has good operational and governance practice.
Mel Richardson, British BIDs - Bb Advisory Board
British BIDs has provide a press release to congratulate Northfield BID upon its achievement in gaining accreditation status!
NB. The Bb Accreditation expired in March 2024. The BID will seek accreditation status should the BID Company determines a campaign for BID4 in Spring 2026.